The Truth about Health Risk Assessments

In our work with corporate wellness programs over the years, I’ve seen a lot of different perspectives on the use of Health Risk Assessments – opinions that range from considering these personal health surveys to be a kind of “gold standard”, to those that believe they are overused & even dangerous to program efficacy.

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A Time for Planting…

Spring is finally here! And not only is the warmer weather an inspiration to get outside and be more active, it’s also an important time of year for food. It’s the season for planting… and planning. Which is why now is the time of year to plan ahead and take action if you want to save money on groceries this year while getting the freshest local fruits & veggies on your plate.

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Wellness Games – You’re On!

The opportunity to participate in wellness games –either in individual or team challenges – is one of the most popular trends in the industry these days… and certainly the most fun! Whether it is a corporate walking program with personal pedometers & virtual goals, or a points-based program where participants track their habits (ounces of water, cups of fruits & vegetables, etc.), these “healthy competitions” are setting new standards of participation and engagement.

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Chronic Dehydration

Most people think that dehydration is something that happens to travelers in the desert who run out of water. Although that sort of thing happens once in awhile, chronic dehydration affects as much as 75% of Americans. Not thirsty? That may not matter. Chronic dehydration actually blunts the body’s natural sense of thirst over time.

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Online “Virtual Conference”

Part of a 2-day online conference on “Benefits: Cost Containment, Audits and Legal Risks”, this 1-hour webcast is aimed at HR Executives & Wellness Program Managers who are getting started in wellness, or evaluating the direction of their wellness efforts & interested in taking their programs to the next level.

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Online “Virtual Conference”

Part of a 2-day online conference on “Employee Wellness”, this 1-hour webcast is aimed at HR Executives & Wellness Program Managers who are getting started in wellness, or evaluating the direction of their wellness efforts & interested in taking their programs to the next level.

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