Corporate Blog

A Tax on the Unhealthy?

Sometimes, business executives excited when they hear that they are officially allowed to charge smokers a higher insurance premium for their group health insurance, and some might even like to push it a step further and include other preventable conditions, such as obesity. Nowadays, we’ll take any break we can get on the high cost of insurance coverage, and rightly so.

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The Truth about Health Risk Assessments

In our work with corporate wellness programs over the years, I’ve seen a lot of different perspectives on the use of Health Risk Assessments – opinions that range from considering these personal health surveys to be a kind of “gold standard”, to those that believe they are overused & even dangerous to program efficacy.

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Wellness Games – You’re On!

The opportunity to participate in wellness games –either in individual or team challenges – is one of the most popular trends in the industry these days… and certainly the most fun! Whether it is a corporate walking program with personal pedometers & virtual goals, or a points-based program where participants track their habits (ounces of water, cups of fruits & vegetables, etc.), these “healthy competitions” are setting new standards of participation and engagement.

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