TerrAscend Wellness Program

In 2020, The TerrAscend Organization is kicking off a new employee benefit: a personalized wellness program for all employees, beginning with introductory activities to provide a foundation for future years of the program and help us get to know each other.

Of course, the best benefits of focusing on wellness are enjoying your life, and doing more of the things you love. That said, most of us could use some extra encouragement to make our health a priority! You have the opportunity to earn a $20 per month wellness credit towards what you pay towards benefits in 2021. That’s a savings of up to $240 a year!

You can earn a wellness credit toward healthcare premiums by completing the CONFIDENTIAL activities below.


The first year of the PASSPORT TO HEALTH is focused on learning more about where you’re starting from & what your interests are.

To earn your wellness credit in 2021, activities must be completed by December 15, 2020.

The good news is: these activities are easy to complete at NO COST to you, will not take much time, and your personal information will NOT be shared with The TerrAscend Organization, or anyone else.

Employees with the TerrAscend Organization will complete:

1. Confidential Health Survey

(a brief survey to reflect on your wellness & help us get to know you better)

2. Meeting with a Health Coach

(20-minute, confidential meeting to discuss the program, questions & resources)

Click a link below to schedule your phone coaching session with Linda Case, INHC:


Click here to view a brief webinar introducing the TerrAscend Organization wellness program.


More activities will be announced as the program evolves in the coming year. In the meantime, you can explore our website to learn more about our story, the Five Areas of Wellness, and some resources that can help you build a better life.

Contact us with any questions — we’re here to help!